Our Advanced Gymnasts Classes are top of the food chain in our Recreational Gymnastics Program. Our Advanced classes are fun yet challenging. Here is where most gymnasts really expand their repertoire of gymnastics skills. The increase time allows additional flexibility & strength work that is the foundation of most gymnastics skills. Advanced students can really explore their talents and develop into fantastics athletes. Upon completion of the Advanced Classes, most of our students rank in the top 10% of the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests.
Our Advanced Curriculum is part of the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Development Program. The USAG JO Program is designed with a Level system (like grades in school) from 1 to 10. Advanced students work skills from the Level 3 skill chart. Our curriculum includes a variety of increased flexibility, strength, & skill goals including higher rope climbs, chin ups , sit ups, push ups, splits, back handsprints, saultos....
Many new clients to Erie Gymnastics view gymnastics as an after school activity similar to Dance Classes, Music Lessons.... New clients want to hear 1 hour once a week type classes like those in Dance Studios & other activities. However we view gymnastics as 'Physical Fitness', and you can not work out 1 time a week for an hour and get in tip top shape.
Thus, we gradually introduce to the parents & students the concept of our Program through our Beginner type classes, but the Advanced classes is really where our students 'take off', and really develop their talents.
To enter our Advanced Classes, a student must have successfully completed our Intermediate Class, or been evaluated & recommended for Advanced or Advanced Kinder.
Advanced Kinder is for students age 4 to 7 / Advanced I - is for students age 7+.
From our Advanced Classes, we select or recommend athletes to our Training Competitive Teams (Mini Team). Students who love gymnastics, but for whatever reason want to continue, but not compete, we reserve our Adv. II Program. These are athletes good enough to compete, however do not desire to do so at this time.